Student Absences

Every day at school matters and consistent attendance as well as active participation is essential for your child’s social and academic learning. Children need to attend school regularly so they can take full advantage of all the educational opportunities available.  


The School Education Act 1999 requires children of compulsory school age, Pre-primary – Year 6, to attend school.  

It is important to assist your child’s achievement and learning by making regular school attendance a priority. At Darkan Primary School we encourage regular attendance rates of 90% and above. The impact on the continuity of learning with rates lower than this can be significant. Over time poor attendance rates can have a substantial cumulative effect on student progress and development.  


When your child is unable to attend, legislation requires that parents provide notification indicating a reasonable cause for the absence of their child. We encourage you to notify us on the morning of the absence by sending an email to or by phoning the school. If an explanation is not provided, a reason explaining the absence is requested on return to school either in writing or by email. Where possible please discuss any upcoming absences with your child’s teacher.  


In the event of a child having an accident or feeling unwell when they are at school, every attempt will be made to contact parents using the details registered with the school. All parents are asked to ensure that the school has up-to-date contact phone numbers, address and emergency contact details, so contact can be made without delay. In the event of a serious accident where parents cannot be contacted, an ambulance will be called. 

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