PBS - Positive Behaviour Support
The PBS System encourages students to demonstrate positive behaviours inside and outside of the classroom which are directly linked to our school values of Initiative, Consideration and Excellence. When the students show these behaviours, they receive a sheep tag colour coded to the specific value.
This week we are Learning about Use Your Manners - CONSIDERATION
We have already learnt about
Raising our hand to speak & waiting patiently- CONSIDERATION |
Including Everyone - EXCELLENCE |
Keeping our bodies to ourselves – INITIATIVE |
Use equipment appropriately – CONSIDERATION |
Ask for Help - EXCELLENCE |
Put Rubbish in the Bin - INITIATIVE |
Congratulate Ourselves & Others - EXCELLENCE |
Use the ramps safely - CONSIDERATION |
Follow Directions - CONSIDERATION |
Wear our hats - INITIATIVE |
Take Turns - EXCELLENCE |
Meet Baarney
Barney is our very special PBS Mascot he presents some very special PBS awards for those students who have been excellent at demonstrating our positive behaviours.
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